Buffalo Once Ranged in the Millions Across Two-thirds of North America

Present day free-roaming American Bison follow in their ancestors’ footsteps on ranches near Rapid City, South Dakota.

Indigenous people share a deep bond with the Plains Bison. To revive that connection, community leaders and their organizations are leading by example and teaching their knowledge to others. Sacred Storm Buffalo continues in this tradition.

Buffalo are Sustainable

Bison farming tends to be more sustainable. As grass-fed bison graze on open grasslands without causing significant environmental damage. Instead, their behaviors actively encourage native plant growth and support biodiversity. 

Their natural wallowing instinct — rolling on the ground as a grooming behavior, cooling mechanism, and social activity — creates shallow depressions. These “wallows” become microhabitats that promote plant growth and provide water catchment areas for small wildlife. 

Buffalo grazing behavior is also important for plains grasses. Rather than overgrazing a particular area, Buffalo nibble while they roam, which lets vegetation recover.

Buffalo Fosters Community Self-Sufficiency

Sacred Storm’s meat processing and traditional harvesting apprenticeship program gives participants practical skills that can lead to stable careers or pathways to community-based entrepreneurship while also helping us achieve our goal of food sovereignty. 

In doing so, we are helping our communities reduce dependence on external support systems and cultivating a more resilient local food economy. This program is a step towards creating a generation of skilled individuals prepared to grow the economies of their Tribal Nations and continue passing on these traditional skills. 

Buffalo Preserves Traditional Knowledge

For American Indians, Bison is more than a source of food. Buffalo relatives represent a way of life lived in harmony with nature, which resonates deeply with Native heritage and spiritual beliefs. Yet, forced assimilation, historical trauma, and systemic oppression have caused many Native youth to feel disconnected from their roots.

At Sacred Storm Buffalo, we’re helping young people reconnect with their heritage through apprenticeship programs and hands-on education in traditional bison harvesting and processing methods. Our programs provide opportunities for youths to learn directly from elders, who share time-honored practices like respectful hunting, whole-animal utilization, and the values that honor each bison’s life. 

By embracing and perpetuating their traditional practices, communities reaffirm their cultural identity and strengthen their bonds. This sense of cultural continuity fosters resilience in the face of external pressures and promotes pride in heritage.

Buffalo Is a Delicious, Lean Red Meat

Bison meat offers health-conscious individuals a leaner alternative to beef, with lower calorie and fat content in many cuts. It lends itself to diverse butchery and any preferred preparations — slow-cooked, grilled, roasted, braised, pan-fried, and more. Ground Bison is especially popular.

This red meat also has a distinctive richness that makes it a delectable choice for prioritizing healthier dietary options